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Pick a Tarot or Angel card

Choose a free spiritual card according to your feeling and read what awaits you. Choose a free angel or tarot card personally translated by our card reader. Our spiritual coaches on Spiritchat also lay cards during a reading. Choose a spiritual coach to receive a full card reading.

Tarot card reading

Card 3

 Tarot reading

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Angelcard 1


Put on your dancing shoes, or walk along the beach: We encourage you to move
Its easy to stagnate in your armchair! How can yo get out and move around more? Any movement you can do with friends is even better. You might be interested in playing a sport of some sort or just getting your body in whatever way you can. Your loved ones say "we will be watching, cheering you on as you create organic motion"  Stop trying to make everybody happy, put yourself first.

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Angelcard 2


Let the animals on earth supoort you: feel their unconditional love
Reach out to a "waggy" dog, a slinky cat or a virbrant and powerful horse. Animals bring you the right energy for you mental space today. Your loved ones ask that you talk to an animal, bird or fish or connect with them mentally. If you can, look them in the eye, feel your heart touch a creature of nature and you will feel the love of the animal reach back to you. Your loved ones remind you, "All god's creatures carry our love, they are a gift to us" 

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Angelcard 3


We will assist you in helping the important people in your live: use love
Part of our path on earth is to help others along life's journey. Some would argue that this is our most important task. Helping others can be as simple as passing on a smile or holding out a balancing hand. Whenever you assist others, hold the intention of love in your heart. Your loved ones continue to send love and supoort to you in return. "Every step you take in assisting others, we applaud you and thank you".

 Tarot reading

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